Gilda's Club Twin Cities provides free support and services for anyone impacted by cancer. They do everything from providing information and research on treatment to improv classes. They're a truly terrific organization. I was lucky enough to work with them on refreshing their brand elements, collateral, and creating the visual assets for both their Spring event and year-end fundraising campaigns. I'm happy to say that they met or exceeded their goals for each campaign.
Gilda's Club expressed a desire to add more joy to their look and feel. Cancer is an understandably heavy topic, but Gilda's isn't just about grief and challenging situations. They seek to help people thrive and find positivity. To that end, I created a series of icons, visualizing different types of laughter. These could be interspersed in layouts to add a burst of energy and playfully interact with imagery and text.
I also leveraged door visuals whenever possible, emphasizing the open nature of Gilda's clubhouse. This plays out in the business cards, as well as subtle graphics throughout the materials.
I illustrated and designed multiple year-end appeals, each with a very different theme. The first took the form of a comic book, inspired by the artistic talents of the girl featured in its pages. I took photography and embellished it with comic-inspired linework and texture. The 2nd appeal utilizes a gatefold to mimic the idea of doors opening and illustrations of people connecting through devices as a result of the pandemic.
I also designed a series of graphics for their Celebrate a Place breakfast, along with graphics for all of their social media channels.